

  • California Society for Respiratory Care Bright Horizons Conference: Tiny Baby Matters. (06/2019)
  • LLUCH Pediatric Grand Rounds: No Tiny Effort, No Tiny Reward. (06/2019)
  • Perinatal-Neonatal Concerence at Loma Linda: Preparation, Care and Discharge Planning for the NICU Journey in High Risk Cases. Regional Conference. (06/2019)
  • LLUCH NICU Presents: Care of the Newborn Brain Symposium, 3rd Annual Southern California Regional Meeting. Presenter, Cooling Case Studies. (09/2020)
  • LLUCH Anesthesia Department Grand Rounds: Our Love-Hate Relationship with Non-Invasive Ventilation in Neonates: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly (01/2022)
  • Pediatric Resident Lecture: Respiratory Concepts and Critical Thinking Involving "Better/More Ideal" Neonatal Invasive Ventilation Approaches - NAVA and ACVG (04/2022)
  • An Innovative and FullProof Way to Approach Intubation: Introduction to Invasive Procedures to Incoming PGY 4 Trainees (07/2022)
  • LLUCH Neonatology: Overview and Welcome to Your Neonatal Fellowship! Nuts and Bolts, Resources, Expectations, Communication, and Unique ways we Support you. Introduction to incoming PGY 4 class of Fellow Trainees. (07/2022)
  • LLUCH Pediatric Critical Care and Neonatal Intensive Care Program ECMO Biannual Training Course: Meconium Aspiration (MAS) and ECMO (07/2022)
  • Your Second Education and Professionalism - Understanding your Professional Training involves so much more than Neonatology. Introduction to incoming PGY 4 Class. (07/2022)


  • AAP/NCE 2018 National Workshop: How to Set-up a Small Baby Program (11/2018)
  • Southern California Small Baby Consortium (though centers from Northern California have now joined), Presenter representing the Loma Linda Children's Hospital Small Baby Unit Program and Leadership. "Loma Linda Children's Hospital NICU Tiny Baby Program SIBR Rounds Improve Investment and Communication." Banerji, Kadri, Kraus, Phillips, Fayard, Hopper. Presentation at the Long Beach Regional Southern California Small Baby Consortium Meeting. Nov 17, 2021. (11/2021)