

  • Response to Hostile to Hospitality: Spirituality and Professional Socialization within Medicine, by Michael and Tracy Balboni, School of Religion Faculty First Tuesday (10/2022)
  • Let's Chat: ChatGPT and AI in Teaching and Learning Innovation Center Discussion Series with speakers: Kevin Nick, Kimberly Freeman, Jeffrey Gang and Fred Armstrong (03/2023)
  • Algro-Ethics and Human Wholeness: A Discussion on Emerging Technologies, the Common Good, and Human Flourishing, School of Religion Faculty First Tuesday (04/2023)


  • Science & Soul: Integration of Spirituality and Whole Person Care into Doctoral Physical Therapy Curriculum, Loma Linda University Homecoming, Loma Linda, CA (02/2020)
  • Science & Soul: Integration of Spirituality and Whole Person Care into Doctoral Physical Therapy Curriculum, Loma Linda University School of Behavioral Health, Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Research Conference, Loma Linda, CA (11/2020)


  • Where is the True Church? Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Dialogue with Seventh-day Adventist, School of Religion Faculty, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA (03/2016)
  • Is There a Place for the Remnant Motif in a Post-Modern Era: A Theological and Ecclesiological Exposition, Northern Caribbean University Annual Theological Symposium, Manchester, Jamaica (03/2017)
  • Apocalypse When? Seventh-day Adventist Theological Pessimism in the Aftermath of World War I, Adventist Society for Religious Studies, San Diego, California (11/2019)
  • And an Algorithm Shall Lead Them? The Rise of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics and Christian Hope, Adventist Society of Religious Studies, San Antonio, Texas (11/2021)
  • The Rome Call for A.I. Ethics: Theological and Ethical Implications for Seventh-day Adventist Healthcare. 7th Annual Seventh-day Adventist Bioethics Conference. May, 2023. (05/2023)