
Scholarly Journals--Published

  • Khocht, A., M. Orlich, B. Paster, D. Bellinger, L. Lenoir, C. Irani and G. Fraser (2023). "Metabolomic profiles of obesity and subgingivalmicrobione in Periodohntally healthy individuals: A cross-sectional study." J Clin Periodontology. (09/2023)
  • Khocht A, Orlich M, Paster B. Bellinger D, Lenoir L. Irani C and Fraser G. Cross-sectional comparisons of subgingival microbiome and gingival fluid inflammatory cytokines in periodontally healthy vegetarians versus non-vegetarians. Journal of Periodontal Research 2021; pre-print online (06/2021)


  • Khocht A. Orlich M. Paster B, Bellinger D, Lenoir L, Irani C and Fraser G. Subgingival microbiome and gingival fluid inflammatory cytokines in periodontally healthy vegetarians vs non-vegetarians. Journal of Dental Research 100 Special Issue. abstract #0357, 2021        (12/2021)
  • Khocht A., LeNoir J., Chong R., Kim H., Dobbin J., and Lenoir L. Radiographic assessment of alveolar bone levels in elderly individuals with metabolic syndrome. Journal of Dental Research 100 Special Issue. abstract #0357, 2021 (09/2021)
  • Khocht A., Orlich M., Paster B. Bellinger D., Lenoir L., Irani C., and Fraser G. Subgingival microbiome and gingival fluid inflammatorycytokines in periodontally healthy vegerarians vs non-vegetarians. Journal of Dental Research 100 Special Issue, abstract #2115, 2021 (06/2021)