
Scholarly Journals--Published

  • An Interview with Chat Generative Pre-Training Transformer (Chat GPT): How Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Change our Practice? For the past several years, Chat GPT has been increasing in popularity. The abuses of AI to generate answers to college essays have been widely reported in the news, especially when these essays are flawed with imperfect information. Indeed, there are even programs that detect the use of AI when the authorship is suspect. Others extol its virtue in creating new answers to perplexing questions. However, is there a role for AI in the practice of Neonatology? We decided to interview OpenAI’s Chat GPT ( to see if Chat GPT could find a useful place in our practices. Conclusion: Chat GPT and other AI applications have come a long way and are impressive in their ability to synthesize and present relevant information. They can be utilized as an important adjunct to providing and enhancing care and may be individualized to each patient if access to EMR, including bedside data, can be integrated safely and assured with adequate privacy and security. These would aid in developing a more comprehensive discharge summary, for example. However, comprehensive algorithms, protocols, and guidelines for the most common conditions must be established to assist physicians in real-time care and individual treatment plans. These would necessitate involvement and consensus in each practice and among hospital, city, state, and possibly national groups and organizations to ensure standards of care are met. Reaching a consensus at all these levels is possible but may take time to develop, incorporate, and implement. Also, up-to-date access to medical journals and other scientific publications would be required in this endeavor. As mentioned above, AI can be beneficial in follow-up care and routine maintenance issues, like medication reminders and monitoring and scheduling follow-up appointments, allowing doctors and other care specialists more time to address specific, more serious issues that may arise. While AI, like Chat GPT, may already be useful in assisting some aspects of patient care, it will still be some time before it can be implemented to assist physicians in making real-time decisions in patient care. Until then and even afterward, we neonatologists still need to keep abreast of the latest advancements, research, and guidelines and use our best clinical judgment based on these and our experience to provide the best care for our patients since AI, no matter how advanced, thus far cannot replace human intuition and experience (06/2023) (link)
  • Case Report: Extremely Premature Infant without Spontaneous Movements Born to a Mother following COVID-19 Infection (10/2020)