

  • (PEER REVIEWED) K. Ngo, E. Gendy, M. Klooster, G. Yanni, M. Shah. "Wireless Capsule Endoscopy in Pediatric Gastroenterology Practice. ." Forum on Pediatric Endoscopy, Digestive Disease Week, May 23, 2006, Los Angeles, CA . (): -.
  • (PEER REVIEWED) M. Shah, K. Ngo, M. Klooster, G. Yanni, J. Baerg, G. Gollin, D. Moores. "Endoscopic and Surgical Findings of Failed Fundoplication in Children: Experience from Re-do Fundoplication." Forum on Pediatric Endoscopy, Digestive Disease Week, May 23, 2006, Los Angeles, CA . (): -.
  • (PEER REVIEWED) E. Gendy, K. Ngo, G. Yanni, S. Rajcevich, C. Victorio, M. Klooster, M. Shah. "Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) Detects More Small Bowel Abnormalities than Conventional Contrast Radiography In Pediatric Patients Undergoing Evaluation for Inflammatory Bowel Disease ." The Most Outstanding Abstract, Poster Presentation, Annual Postgraduate Convention, Loma Linda University, March 2006, Loma Linda, CA . (): -.
  • (PEER REVIEWED) M. Shah, K. Ngo, M. Klooster, G. Yanni, S. Rajcevich, C. Victorio. "Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) in Suspected Crohn?s Disease in Children." International Conference on Capsule Endoscopy (ICCE), March 6-7, 2006, Boca Raton, Fl . (): -.
  • (PEER REVIEWED) S. Abd-Allah, M. Rocha, G. Lam, M. Gross, T. Simeon, C. Tinsley, M. Wilson, M. Shah, R. Perkin. "Esophageal Foreign Body Removal in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.." National Conference and Exhibition, American Academy of Pediatrics, October 2005, Washington, DC . (): -.
  • (PEER REVIEWED) M. Klooster, K. Ngo, M. Shah, G. Yanni. "Clinical Experience with an Antioxidant Cocktail in the Treatment of Acute Liver Failure." NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, October 2005, Salt Lake City, UT . (): -.
  • (PEER REVIEWED) M. Shah, M. Klooster, S. Rajcevich, F. Child, K. Ngo. "Application of video capsule endoscopy (VCE) in diagnosis of small bowel vasculitis (CSV) as a cause of recurrent abdominal Pain ." NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, October 2005, Salt Lake City, UT . (): -.
  • (PEER REVIEWED) K. Ngo, M. Shah, M. Klooster, M. Walters, J. McCracken, L. Gibbs, G. Yanni. . "Childhood Choledochal Cysts: Clinical Presentation and Diagnostic Findings." NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, October 2005, Salt Lake City, UT . (): -.
  • (PEER REVIEWED) K. Ngo, G. Yanni, M. Klooster, M. Shah. "Capnography Detects Sub-clinical Altered Respiratory Events Not Detected by Routine Monitoring in Children Undergoing Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with Procedural Sedation. ." NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, October 2005, Salt Lake City, UT . (): -.