

  • Implant or Root Canal. University of Pacific. Nov. 07, 2020. Online. Laguna Niguel. CA (4 hours). (11/2020)
  • Vital Pulp Therapy, Treatment Options for teeth with failed Root Canal Treatment. The American Institute of Oral Biology. Palm Springs, CA, Oct. 24, 2021. (3 hours). (10/2021)
  • Root Canal or Implant?. The John I Ingle International Endodontic Symposium.  Nov. 13, 2021. Online. Laguna Niguel. CA (2 hours). (11/2021)
  • Regenerative Endodontics. @entoki.  Dec, 04 2021. Online. Laguna Niguel. CA (2 hours). (12/2021)
  • Regenerative Endodontics. Northern California Endodontics.  Feb., 16 2022. Online. Laguna Niguel. CA (2 hours). (02/2022)
  • Vital Pulp Therapy and Regeneration. Iranian Ass of Endodontists. March, 02, 2022. Online. Laguna Niguel. CA (3 hours). (03/2022)
  • Hands on surgery.  Annual Session of the American Association of Endodontics, Phoenix AZ  April 28, 2022. (8 hours), (04/2022)
  • Vital Pulp Therapy and Regeneration-An Update. Graduate Endodontic Program at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine . May, 25, 2022. Online. New Brunswick, NJ (2 hours). (05/2022)


  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Outcomes of Root Canal, Implant, FPD and no treatment.." AAE Program directors. (08/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Past, Current, Future - Root Canal Irrigants." SCAE. Los Angeles, CA (09/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Treatment Planning for Pulpally Involved Teeth." Long Island Seattle Study Group. New York (03/2007)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "MTA." Annual Session of the AAE. Philadelphia, PA (04/2007)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Root Canal treatment or it's alternative treatments: what is our evidence?." AAE Annual Session. Philadelphia, PA (04/2007)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejd. "Outcomes of root canal, implant, Fixed Partial Dentures and no treatment. ." AAE Program Directors meeting. Chicago (08/2007)
  • Outcomes of root canal, implant, Fixed Partial Dentures and no treatment. American Association of Endodontists Program Directors. Chicago, IL, August 2007. (08/2007 - Present)


  • M Torabinejad. "Clinical applications of MTA and endodontic surgery.." Beirut University. Lebanon (07/2004)
  • M Torabinejad. "Successful cleaning and shaping of root canals." University of Sydney. Sydney, Australia (09/2004)
  • M Torabinejad. "A new solution for disinfection of root canals." 6th IFEA meeting. Brisbane, Australia (09/2004)
  • M Torabinejad. "Your natural teeth are ... the best implant." 145th Annual Session of the American Dental Association. Orlando, Florida (10/2004)
  • M Torabinejad. "Clinical applications of MTA; a new solution to remove the smear layer and disinfect root canals." Korean Endodontic Association. Seoul, Korea (05/2005)
  • M Torabinejad. "Evidence based endodontics." Yonsei University. Seoul, South Korea (05/2005)
  • M Torabinejad. "What can MTA and MTAD do for your practice?." Kaosiung Medical University. Kaohsiung, Taiwan (05/2005)
  • M Torabinejad. "Clinical applications of MTA." Taiwan Endodontic Association. Kaohsiung, Taiwan (05/2005)
  • M Torabinejad. "Clinical applications of MTA." Prince Philip Dental Hospital. Hong Kong (05/2005)
  • M Torabinejad. "What can MTA do for your practice?; MTAD for renewal of the smear layer." Malaysian Endodontic Society. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (05/2005)
  • M Torabinejad. "Clinical applications of MTA; A new solution for disinfections of root canals." Asian Endodontic Forum. Bangkok, Thailand (05/2005)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Disinfection of the Root Canal System, Past, Present, and Future." Southern California Academy of Endodontists. Los Angeles, California (09/2005)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Root Canal Treatment or Dental Implants." LLUSD Continuing Education Course. Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California (09/2005)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Clinical Applications of MTA: A New Solution for Disinfections of Root Canals." European Endodontic Forum. Cologne, Germany (09/2005)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Clinical Applications of MTA: A New Solution for Disinfections of Root Canals." European Endodontic Forum. Frankfurt, Germany (09/2005)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Clinical Applications of MTA: A New Solution for Removal of the Smear Layer and Disinfections of Root Canals." Netherlander Society for Endodontology. Amsterdam, Holland (09/2005)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Evidence Based Endodontics, MTAD as a Root Canal Disinfectant: Management of Endodontic Procedural Accidents." Toronto Academy of Dentistry. Toronto, Canada (11/2005)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Evidenced Based Dentistry." The American Institute of Oral Biology. Palm Springs, California (11/2005)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Methods for Removal of the Smear Layer." Italian Association of Endodontists. Rome, Italy (02/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Root Canal Treatment or Dental Implants." Japanese Association of Endodontists. Yukohoma, Japan (05/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "MTA and MTAD." Japanese Association of Endodontists. Yukohoma, Japan (05/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Endo-Perio Interrelationship." Keptic Study Club. Ontario, California (06/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Root canal treatment or dental implants." Iranian Association of Endodontists. Isfehan, Iran (08/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Root canal treatment or dental implants." Iranian Association of Endodontists. Isfehan, Iran (08/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "161. Management of procedural accidents in endodontics." Iranian Association of Endodontists, Isfehan. Isfehan, Iran (08/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Management of procedural accidents in endodontics." Iranian Association of Endodontists. Isfehan, Iran, (08/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "163. Etiology, prevention and treatment of endodontic mishaps." Hawaiian Dental Association. Honolulu, Hawaii (09/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "162. Factors affecting treatment planning for root canal treatment or dental implants." Loma Linda University School of Dentistry,Continuing Education Course. Loma Linda, CA (09/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "163. Etiology, prevention and treatment of endodontic mishaps." Hawaiian Dental Association. Honolulu, Hawaii (09/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "162. Factors affecting treatment planning for root canal treatment or dental implants." Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, Continuing Education Course. Loma Linda, CA (09/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Tasting new innovations in endodontics (Endodontic emergencies, cleaning and shaping techniques, and MTA." 7th Annual meeting of Makkah. Makkah, Saudi Arabia (10/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Methods for cleaning and shaping: root canal or implants." Egyptian Association of Endodontists. Cairo, Egypt (12/2006)
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad. "Clinical applications of MTA, endodontic surgery." Congress Continuing Education Course. Cairo, Egypt (12/2006)
  •   Periapical Surgery. Iranian society of Maxillofacial Surgery. Tehran Iran, February 20-22, 2008. (02/2008 - Present)
  •   Root canal treatment or single tooth implant? Iranian society of Maxillofacial Surgery. Tehran Iran, February 20-22, 2008. (02/2008 - Present)
  • Endodontic Emergencies. Iranian society of Maxillofacial Surgery. Tehran Iran, February 20-22, 2008. (02/2008 - Present)
  • Factors affecting decision making in treatment planning for root canal treatment and single tooth implant. University of Tehran, Iran, February 28, 2008 (02/2008 - Present)
  • Factors affecting decision making in treatment planning for root canal treatment and single tooth implant. Mashad University, Mashad, Iran, February 28, 2008 (02/2008 - Present)
  • Factors affecting decision making in treatment planning for root canal treatment and single tooth implant. Isfehan University, Isfehan, Iran, February 27, 2008. (02/2008 - Present)
  • Factors affecting decision making in treatment planning for root canal treatment and single tooth implant. Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, February 25, 2008. (02/2008 - Present)
  • Procedural Accidents. Iranian society of Maxillofacial Surgery. Tehran Iran, February 20-22, 2008. (02/2008 - Present)
  • Strategies to combat implants in dental schools. Annual Session of the American Association of Endodontists. Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 10, 2008 (04/2008 - Present)
  • Saving Natural Dentition using MTA. Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry. Houston, TX, May 15, 2008 (05/2008 - Present)
  • Endodontic surgery. International Jeddeh Conference. Jeddeh, Saudi Arabia, November 3, 2008. (07/2008 - 06/2009)
  • Factors affecting treatment planning for root canal treatment or implant. AAE Fall Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 6, 2008. (07/2008 - 06/2009)
  • New advances in endodontics. International Jeddeh Conference. Jeddeh, Saudi Arabia, November 5, 2008. (07/2008 - 06/2009)
  • Root canal treatment or single tooth implant? Clinical applications of MTA: Yankee Dental congress. Boston , MA, January 3, 2009. (07/2008 - 06/2009)
  • Root canal or implant? International Jeddeh Conference. Jeddeh, Saudi Arabia, November 3, 2008. (07/2008 - 06/2009)
  • Procedural accidents in endodontics. International Jeddeh Conference. Jeddeh, Saudi Arabia, November 3, 2008. (11/2008)
  • Root canal treatment or single tooth implant? Clinical applications of MTA: Yankee Dental Congress, Boston, MA, January 3, 2009 (01/2009)
  • Management of endodontic accidental procedures. Klooster Symposium, Loma Linda, CA, Septemberr 20, 2009. (09/2009)
  • Use it or lose it: Alternative treatment to root canal therapy. Orange County Dental Society, Orange, CA, September 15, 2009 (09/2009)
  • Clinical applications of MTA and root canal or implant? 5th distinguished speakers, UCLA, October 24, 2009. (10/2009)
  • Evidence based dentistry and clinical aplications of MTA and live demonstrations for apical surgery and management of teeth with apices. Australian Dental Association, Sydney, Australia, November 25-26, 2009. (11/2009)
  • Outcomes of root canal treatment and its alternatives: What is our evidence? 39th Annual Session of the American college of Prosthodontics (ACP), San Diego, CA, November 6, 2009. (11/2009)
  • Factors affecting treatment planning for root canal therapy and dental implants. When and how to use MTA. Greater New York Dental Meeting, New York, NY, December 2, 2009. (12/2009)
  • Advanced Endodontic Surgery.   Iranian Association of Endodontists, Isfahan, Iran, July 30, 2010. (07/2010 - 06/2011)
  • Evidence Based Dentistry and Medicine. Isfahan, Iran, July 26, 2010. (07/2010 - 06/2011)
  • Factors Affecting Treatment Planning for Root Canal Treatment of Implants. North Eastern Society of Periodontists. New York, NY, April 29, 2011. (07/2010 - 06/2011)
  • Live Surgical Demonstration at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Iranian Association of Endodontists. Shiraz, Iran, April 18, 2011. (07/2010 - 06/2011)
  • Management of Open Apexes at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Iranian Association of Endodontists and the 16th meeting of APAC. Shiraz, Iran, April 19, 2011. (07/2010 - 06/2011)
  • Management of Teeth with Open Apexes.   Iranian Association of Endodontists, Mashad, Iran, July 28, 2010. (07/2010 - 06/2011)
  • Perio-Endo Relationships. Isfahan, Iran, July 25, 2010. (07/2010 - 06/2011)
  • Principles of Endodontic Surgery. Isfahan, Iran, July 25, 2010. (07/2010 - 06/2011)
  • Pulp Regeneration. Shiraz, Iran, April 25, 2011. (07/2010 - 06/2011)
  • Management of Teeth with Open Apexes. American Dental Association. San Francisco, California, October 18, 2012. (2.5 hours) (10/2012)
  • Regenerative Endodontics: What are we regenerating? The Annual Session of the American Association of Endodontists, April 18, 2013, Honolulu, Hawaii.  (1.5 hrs) (04/2013)
  • Endodontic surgery and management of teeth with open apexes. Florida Association of Endodontists. Orlando, Florida, November 2-3, 2012.  (8 hrs) (12/2013)
  • Root Canal Treatment or Single Tooth Implant? Rocky Mountain Dental Convention. January 23, 2020. Denver, Colorado (3 hours). (01/2020)
  • Endodontic Emergencies. CanaDent. June 1, 2020. Online. Laguna Niguel. CA (1.5 hours). (06/2020)
  • Diagnosis and Prognosis of Root Canal Treatment and Alternative Procedures, Endodontic Emergencies and Therapeutics, Endodontic Mishaps. Loma Linda University. July 19, 2020. Online. Laguna Niguel. CA (7 hours). (07/2020)
  • Treatment options for teeth with unsuccessful root canal treatment. Endo Geek Study Club. Malaysia. Nov. 22, 2020. Online. Laguna Niguel. CA (2 hours). (11/2020)
  • Vital Pulp Therapy, Current and Emerging Prospectives. Annual Session of the American Association of Endodontics, Atlanta, GA. April 22-24, 2021. (1.5 hr),Online (04/2021)