
Scholarly Journals--Submitted

  • 40. CHUN M, SILVESTRIN T, SAVIGNANO R, ROQUE-TORRES GD. Effects of Apical Barriers and Root Filling Materials on Stress Distribution in Immature Teeth: Finite Element Analysis Study. Journal of Endodontic 2023 May;49(5):575-582. (05/2023)

Scholarly Journals--Published

  • 39. SUPRONO M, SAVIGNANO R, WON J, LILLARD S, ZHONG Z, AHMED A, ROQUE-TORRES GD, ZHANG W, OYOYO U, RICHARDSON P, CARUSO J, HANDYSIDES R, LI Y. Evaluation of microbial air quality and pattern in a large dental clinic. American Journal of Dentistry, 01 Oct 2022, 35(5):268-272 (10/2022)
  • 37. ROQUE-TORRES GD, KIM J, COSTA ED, OYOYO U. Evaluation of Customized Peripheral Sealing Device Acceptance for Surgical/Medical Masks Among Dental Professionals during Early COVID-19 Pandemic. ODOVTOS-Int. J. Dent. Sc. 2022 March. DOI: 10.15517/IJDS.2022.50444 (03/2022)
  • 36. COSTA ED, BRASIL DM, GAETA-ARAUJO H, LEGGITT VL, ROQUE-TORRES GD. Imaging of the upper airway: which method is best for an orthodontic assessment? Gen Dent. Jan-Feb 2022;70(1):51-55.  (02/2022)
  • 33. SHAIKH  M, LUND  G,  KO  J , ROQUE-TORRES GD, OYOYO  U, KWON SR. Micro-computed tomography analysis of abrasivity of toothpaste tablets compared to conventional toothpaste. Am J Dent. 2021 Oct;34(5):235-239. (10/2021)
  • 34. BRASIL DM, GAETA-ARAUJO H, ALMEIDA SM, ANGELI JPB, ROQUE-TORRES GDImpact of different evaluation methods for diagnostic tasks in panoramic radiography. ODOVTOS-Int. J. Dent. Sc. 2021 Oct: 477-486. Doi: 10.15517/IJDS.2022.49285. (10/2021)
  • 35. TAVORA DM, ROQUE-TORRES GD, COSTA ED, BRASIL DM, OLIVEIRA ML. Incidental finding of bullous concha by cone beam computed tomography. ODOVTOS-Int. J. Dent. Sc. 2021 Oct:143-148. DOI: 10.15517/IJDS.2022.48720. (10/2021)
  • 32. SUPRONO MS., WON J, SAVIGNANO R, ZHONG Z, AHMED A, ROQUE-TORRES GD, ZHANG W, OYOYO U, RICHARDSON P, CARUSO J, HANDYSIDES R, LI Y. A clinical investigation of dental evacuation systems in reducing aerosols. J Am Dent Assoc. 2021 Jun; 152(6): 455–462. doi: 10.1016/j.adaj.2021.02.013 (06/2021)
  • 31. FERNANDEZ CE., SIGUA-RODRIGUEZ EA, VERGARA-HERNÁNDEZ CI.; TORAL-RIZO VH., TELLO G; MADRID TROCONIS CC.; PEREZ PUELLO S; ROQUE-TORRES GD. COVID-19 pandemic accelerated virtual transformation in dental education: a multicenter review of remote teaching and teledentistry. RGO, Rev Gaúch Odontol. 2021;69:e20210027. (04/2021)
  • 30. COSTA ED; PEYNEAU PD; NEJAIM Y; CARUSO JM; ROQUE-TORRES GD. Guideline for manual classification of the facial profiles by CBCT image. ROBRAC - Rev Odontol Bras Central 2021; 30(89): 154-161. DOI: 10.36065/robrac.v30i89.1490 (02/2021)
  • 29. YAMASAKI MC, ROQUE-TORRES GD, PERONI LV, NASCIMENTO EHL, SALMON B, OLIVEIRA ML, FREITAS DQ, CORRER-SOBRINHO L. Does the administration of meloxicam before head and neck radiotherapy reduce the risk of mandibular osteoradionecrosis? An animal model study. Clin Oral Investig. 2021 Jan 2. doi: 10.1007/s00784-020-03701-x. Online ahead of print. (01/2021)
  • 27. ROQUE-TORRES GD., TORAL-RIZO, VH., FERNANDEZ CE., MADRID TROCONIS CC.; SIGUA-RODRIGUEZ EA, PEREZ PUELLO S; TELLO G. Strategies and operational procedures in oral radiology to mitigate potential SARSCoV- 2 transmission. Rev Estomatol Herediana. 2020 Oct-Dic;30(4):245-253. DOI: (12/2020)
  • 28. QOBORSI JN, OROOJIAN S, BAJWA J, OBHADE AI, ROQUE-TORRES GD, RICE D. Digital imaging filters and their effect on detecting root resorption. CDA Journal Vol 48, 12, 2020. (12/2020)
  • 25. ROQUE-TORRES GD, NISHIYAMA NC, STANBOULY S, MAO XW. Assessment of Global Ocular Structure Following Spaceflight Using a Micro-Computed Tomography (Micro-CT) Imaging Method. J. Vis. Exp. E61227, DOI:10.3791/61227 (09/2020)
  • 26. YAMASAKI MC, ROQUE-TORRES GD, PERONI LV, NASCIMENTO EHL, SALMON B, OLIVEIRA ML, FREITAS DQ, CORRER-SOBRINHO L. A modified protocol of mandibular osteoradionecrosis induction in rats with external beam radiation therapy. Clinical Oral Investigations vol 24, pag 1561–1567(2020) (09/2020)
  • 23. ROQUE-TORRES GD, KWON SR, OYOYO U, LI Y. Measurement of erosion depth using microcomputed tomography and light microscopy. Microsc Res Tech. 2020;1–6. (04/2020)
  • 20. OVERBEY EG, DA SILVEIRA WA, STANBOULY S, NISHIYAMA NC, ROQUE-TORRES GD, PECAUT MJ, ZAWIEJA DC, WANG C, WILLEY JS, DELP MD, HARDIMAN G, MAO XW. Spaceflight influences gene expression, photoreceptor integrity, and oxidative stress-related damage in the murine retina. Sci Rep. 2019 Sep 16;9(1):13304. (09/2019)
  • 21. DANTAS-DA-COSTA E; PEYNEAU PD; ROQUE-TORRES GD; QUEIROZ D, RAMIREZ-SOTELO LR; AMBROSANO GM; VERNER FS. The relationship of articular eminence and mandibular fossa morphology to facial profile and gender determined by cone beam computed tomography. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. Vol 128, Issue 6, Dec 2019, Pag 660-666 (09/2019)
  • 22. DANTAS-DA-COSTA E; RAMIREZ-SOTELO LR, ROQUE-TORRES GD; RODRIGUES-PINTO FC; ALMEIDA SM. Evaluation of the articular eminence and the occlusal surface of the molars by cone beam computed tomography. Gen Dent. 2019 Jan-Feb;67(1):36-41. (09/2019)
  • 17. ROQUE-TORRES GD; PEYNEAU PD; DANTAS-DA-COSTA E; BÓSCOLO FN; ALMEIDA SM, RIBEIRO LW. Evaluation of midline deviation in relation to the position of the condyles in Class II patients through Cone-Beam Computed Tomography. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2018;154:99-107. (09/2018)
  • 18. PRICE JB; DANTAS-DA-COSTA E; ROQUE-TORRES GD, PEYNEAU PD, GODOLFIM LR, HAITER FN, ALMEIDA SM. Horse or zebra? Gen Dent. 2018 Mar-Apr;66(2):6. (09/2018)
  • 13. DANTAS-DA-COSTA E; ROQUE-TORRES GD, PEYNEAU PD, GODOLFIM LR, HAITER FN, ALMEIDA SM. Simple bone cyst: rare incidental finding in the mandibular condyle by cone-beam computerized tomography. Gen Dent. 2018 Jan-Feb;66(1):54-56. (09/2017)
  • 14. DANTAS-DA-COSTA E; ROQUE-TORRES GD; BRASIL DM, BÓSCOLO FN; ALMEIDA SM, AMBROSANO GM. Correlation between the position of hyoid bone and subregions of the pharyngeal airway space in lateral cephalometry and cone beam computed tomography. Angle Orthod. 2017 Sep;87(5):688-695 (09/2017)
  • 15. VERNER FS, ROQUE-TORRES GD, RAMIREZ-SOTELO LR, Devito KL, ALMEIDA SM. Analysis of the correlation between dental arch and articular eminence morphology: a cone beam CT study. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2017 Oct;124(4):420-431. (09/2017)
  • 16. YAMASAKI MC, NEJAIM Y, ROQUE-TORRES GD, FREITAS DQ. Meloxicam as a Radiation-Protective Agent on Mandibles of Irradiated Rats. Brazilian Dental Journal (2017) 28(2): 249-255. (09/2017)
  • 10. PEYNEAU PD, ROQUE-TORRES GD, GODOLFIM LR, COSTA ED, ALMEIDA SM, AMBROSANO GM. Rotation of the second cervical vertebra in pediatric patient. Einstein (Sao Paulo). 2016 Oct-Dec;14(4):575-576. (09/2016)
  • 11. ROQUE-TORRES GD, RAMIREZ-SOTELO LR, VAZ SLA, DE ALMEIDA DE BÓSCOLO SM, BÓSCOLO FN. Association between maxillary sinus pathologies and healthy teeth. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2016; 82:33 (09/2016)
  • 12. NOGUEIRA DOS SANTOS LA, JÁCOME LOPES L, ROQUE-TORRES GD; FAGUNDES DE OLIVEIRA V, FREITAS DQ. Complex Odontoma: a case report with micro-computed tomography findings. Case Reports in Dentistry 2016. (09/2016)
  • 9. ROQUE-TORRES GD; RAMÍREZ-SOTELO, LR; ALMEIDA SM ; AMBROSANO, G. M. B. ; BÓSCOLO FN . 2D and 3D imaging of the relationship between maxillary sinus and posterior teeth. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (Online), v. 14, p. 141-148, 2015. (12/2015)
  • 8. ROQUE-TORRES GD; MENESES ABRAHAM; BÓSCOLO FN ; ALMEIDA SM ; HAITER-NETO, F. Cone beam computed tomography use in orthodontics, functional facial orthopedics. Revista Estomatológica Herediana, v. 25, p. 60-77, 2015. (09/2015)
  • 6. ALENCAR PNB; ROQUE-TORRES GD; MENESES ABRAHAM; BÓSCOLO FN; ALMEIDA SM; GROPPO, F. C. The use of rapid prototyping in dentistry. Revista Estomatológica Herediana, v. 25, p. 167-174, 2015. (09/2015)
  • 7. NEJAIM, Y.; VASCONCELOS, K. F.; ROQUE-TORRES GD; MENESES ABRAHAM; BÓSCOLO FN; HAITER-NETO, F. Streamlining the radiation dose. Rev Estomatol Herediana, v. 25, p. 239-246-246, 2015. (09/2015)
  • 5. MOREIRA, D. D. ; GRIBEL, B. F. ; ROQUE-TORRES GD ; VASCONCELOS, K. F. ; FREITAS DQ ; AMBROSANO, G. M. B. . Reliability of measurements on virtual models obtained from scanning of impressions and conventional plaster models. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences, v. 13, p. 297-302, 2014 (09/2014)
  • 4. NEVES FS ; RAMÍREZ-SOTELO, LR ; ROQUE-TORRES GD ; RESENDE, GL ; HAITER-NETO, F ; FREITAS DQ . Detection of bifid mandibular condyle by panoramic radiography and cone-beam computed tomography. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (Impresso), v. 12, p. 16-19, 2013 (12/2013)
  • 3. RAMÍREZ-SOTELO LR ; NEVES FS ; ROQUE-TORRES GD ; FREITAS DQ ; ALMEIDA SM ; BÓSCOLO FN . Mandibular canine with two roots. Revista Cubana de Estomatología, v. 49, p. 211-218, 2013. (09/2013)
  • 2. NEVES FS ; RAMÍREZ-SOTELO LR ; OLIVEIRA ML ; ROQUE-TORRES GD ; SOUZA TC ; FREITAS DQ . Intra-sinusal third molar: Case report. Stomatos (ULBRA), v. 17, p. 78-82, 2012. (09/2012)
  • 1. ROQUE-TORRES GD; BONILLA, PABLO ; MENESES ABRAHAM . Influence of body overweight in the skeletal maturation stages in 12-13 year old children in Huancayo, Peru. Revista Estomatológica Herediana, v. 20, p. 63-68, 2010. (06/2010)

Scholarly Journals--Accepted

  • 38. CUA, J, CRESPO E, PHELPS S, RAMIREZ R, ROQUE-TORRES GD, OYOYO U, KWON SR. Tooth Color Change and Erosion: Hydrogen Peroxide versus Non-Peroxide Whitening Strips. Operative Dentistry. 2022 May 18.  doi: 10.2341/20-302-L. (05/2022)


  • 24. RICE D., GRANDHI A., ROQUE-TORRES GD., GUO J., BAKLAND L. Microcomputed tomography of calcium-hydroxide exposed vital nerve tissue: a pilot protocol. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology. Volume 130, Issue 2, August 2020, Pages e66-e67. DOI: 10.1016/j.oooo.2020.03.027 (08/2020)

Books and Chapters

  • 1. Book Title: Micro-computed Tomography (Micro-CT) in Medicine and Engineering Editor name: Prof.Dr. Kaan Orhan, Ankara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, Ankara, Turkey Chapter Title: Applications of Micro-CT in soft tissue specimen imaging Year of publishing: 2020 (04/2020)